Zilla Riesling Timeline and Summary


Zilla Riesling Timeline and Summary

  • We first hear about Zilla through the complaints of Paul Riesling. Paul finds Zilla completely rude and impossible to be around. All he wants to do is get away from her.
  • When we finally meet Zilla, we can see what Paul is talking about. She's very aggressive with her opinions. But at the same time, Paul also comes across as a bit of a wuss.
  • Babbitt steps in and bullies Zilla until she agrees to let Paul go on a fishing trip to Maine.
  • Later in the book, Zilla suspects Paul of having an affair, which is true.
  • Paul eventually snaps and shoots Zilla in the shoulder. Zilla pulls through, but she's never the same.
  • After the shooting, Zilla finds religion and believes that she is one of the few human begins on Earth who'll be "saved" when the time to die comes. She believes that almost everyone else is going to hell, and she hopes that Paul dies in jail.