Vergil Gunch Timeline and Summary


Vergil Gunch Timeline and Summary

  • We meet Vergil Gunch when Babbitt first goes to lunch at the Zenith Athletic Club. Gunch seems like one of the boys, although he's pretty high in rank at some of the social clubs.
  • As the novel goes on, Vergil Gunch becomes angry at some of the left-wing things that Babbitt has begun to say around town.
  • As a test of loyalty, Gunch asks Babbitt to join a new club called the Good Citizens' League, which is designed to fight socialists and (if possible) get them thrown in jail. When Babbitt refuses, Gunch vaguely threatens him.
  • After Babbitt's wife Myra has an emergency operation, Gunch shows up and tells Babbitt all will be forgiven if he goes back to his old, conservative ways. Babbitt agrees and the two become friends again.