Symbols and Tropes
Shared Universes
We know: the phrase "shared universe" sounds a whole lot like something that you'd learn about in first grade along with "the golden rule," "the buddy system," and "bring enough for the whole class...
The Tesseract
Ah, the Tesseract, that funky glowing blue box that Nick Fury is hoping to turn into a power source for the whole world. But it also ended up becoming a MacGuffin…and it ended up powering The Ave...
Big Guys and Little Guys
One of the best aspects of The Avengers, from a very philosophical film theory standpoint, is that it addresses the question that Ivy League academics have long been pondering. Namely: would Thor t...
The Splash Page
We're not going to go too deep into the technical specifics of the movie, but we do want to point out the most famous shot in the whole thing: the circle around with all six Avengers united at last...