Austenland Chapter 19 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Day 21

  • It's closing time at Austenland. Finish your whiskey and cross-stitch.
  • Everyone says their goodbyes. Jane finds out that Miss Charming's breasts are real (oh, thank heavens that mystery is solved), that Miss Heartwright isn't actually British, and that Mr. Nobley had convinced Miss Heartwright to take the blame for Jane's cell phone smuggling fiasco. Whoa.
  • Mrs. Wattlesbrook also reveals to Jane that she orchestrated Jane's fling with Martin. Wow, that's a plot twist even Austen couldn't have thought up.
  • Jane is, shall we say, decidedly not pleased with this development. She tells Mrs. Wattlesbrook that this will "make the ending to [her] article all the more interesting" (19.67).
  • With that threat hanging in the air, Jane leaves.