Alvy Singer (Woody Allen)’s Timeline and Summary

Alvy Singer (Woody Allen)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Alvy establishes that he's a seasoned breaker of the fourth wall and tells the audience that he's trying to figure out why he and Annie broke up.
  • A flashback to Alvy's youth shows that he's always been neurotic and prone to creating elaborate fantasies when he doesn't dig reality.
  • In line for the movies with Annie, Alvy produces Marshall McLuhan to shoot down a loud, annoying communications professor who won't stop talking.
  • Alvy and Annie start falling in love over lobsters on the loose in the kitchen.
  • Alvy and Annie first meet playing tennis with Rob. After, they go back to her apartment for a drink.
  • Alvy hears Annie sing for the first time, and they share their first kiss.
  • He tells Annie he loves her.
  • Alvy and Annie move in together, and he's troubled by her reliance on marijuana in the bedroom.
  • He meets her family. They're the polar opposite of his.
  • Alvy accuses Annie of sleeping with one of her professors, and their relationship cools.
  • Rob sets Alvy up with Pam, and in the middle of their date, Annie calls Alvy to kill a spider at her apartment. They get back together.
  • Alvy and Annie travel to Los Angeles. He hates it. She loves it. They break up amicably on the flight home.
  • After Annie moves to L.A. to pursue music, Alvy flies out to bring her back to New York. She refuses, and declines his marriage proposal, too.
  • Alvy crashes his rental car and goes to jail. Rob bails him out.
  • Alvy writes a play that re-imagines the end of his relationship with Annie and gives it a happy ending where she's still in love with him.
  • He bumps into Annie outside of a movie, and they go to lunch. Alvy realizes how cool it was just to know Annie, and they go their separate ways.