
We hate to be the ones to tell you this, but—are you sitting down?—An American in Paris doesn't have the most hysterical 21st-century fan following. Nobody's dressing up as Milo Roberts for Halloween. Funko hasn't cranked out any adorable Adam Cook figures…yet.

That said, the film's star and choreographer, Gene Kelly retains a legion of devoted fans and admirers, even as his legacy enters its second century. For all the basics on Kelly, as well as photos and analytical essays, look no further than Gene Kelly Fans, a comprehensive website by Kelli Marshall, a lecturer of Media Studies and Cinema at DePaul University.

Want a daily dose of Kelly in your timeline? You're in luck. The site also features a regularly updated Twitter account. Dying to know what your lower back tattoo of Jerry Mulligan riding a dolphin says about you? Check out this article, where Marshall breaks down what Gene Kelly (and not Gene Kelly) tattoos can teach us about fandom in the modern age.

BTW, Jerry Mulligan riding a dolphin? Really? You couldn't have put him on a piano or something? To each their own, we guess.