

Character Role Analysis

The Monkey King

Okay—stick with us on this one. Sure the Monkey King is a major protagonist, but he's also his own worst enemy for half of the book. He can't take a major hint (like the fact that Tze-Yo-Tzuh really is everywhere and super powerful) and, because of his stubborness, he gets himself buried under a mountain of rock. Not much into self-help, this guy.


Greg's the worst kind of bad guy because he acts like he's Jin's friend when he tells Jin to stay away from Amelia. Unlike Timmy, who's just a complete bully and idiot, Greg's a complicated antagonist because he seems nice but has the worst intentions. Take this piece of dialogue, from Greg to Jin: "It's just that [Amelia's] a good friend and I want to make sure she makes good choices, you know? We're almost in high school. She has to start paying attention to who she hangs out with" (8.72). Ugh, right? A classic example of a frenemy.


When your cousin comes around your school and sings, at the top of his lungs, Ricky Martin's "She Bangs" and sexually harasses your crush/girl friend, that's pure antagonism. Poor Danny. Enough said.