Alien Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Alien? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What weapon does Dallas take with him in the ventilation system to go alien hunting?

Cattle Prod
Machine Gun
Brass knuckles
Q. What is the first stage of the alien's life? Hint: Kane's curiosity about this object seriously ruins his day.

Test Tube
A primordial pond
An incubator
Q. What totally Freudian name does the ship's computer go by?

Hal 9000
Q. What is the name of the crew's ship?

The Solaco
The Nostromo
The USS Enterprise
The Conrad
Q. Which organization wants the alien for its own?

The Company
Weyland and Co.
Umbrella Corporation
Villains Inc.