Mariam Timeline & Summary


Mariam Timeline & Summary

  • Mariam lives with her mother in Gul Daman, a small town outside of Herat. She's the illegitimate daughter of Jalil, a local businessman.
  • Jalil visits once a week and is very affectionate with Mariam, but he doesn't accept her as a legitimate daughter.
  • Mariam asks Jalil to take her to Pinocchio on her birthday. When he doesn't show up, she impulsively decides to go to his home against her mother's wishes.
  • Mariam reaches Jalil's home in Herat, but he refuses to let her inside. She spends the night outside of the house.
  • Mariam returns home the next day only to make a terrible discovery: her mother has committed suicide.
  • Mariam moves in with Jalil. It's not long before Jalil and his wives arrange a marriage between Mariam and a shoemaker named Rasheed. They're married, and Mariam heads to her new home in Kabul.
  • Mariam becomes pregnant, but she miscarries the baby. This deeply upsets Rasheed. After several more miscarriages, he becomes abusive towards her.
  • One day, Jalil tries to visit Mariam, but she refuses to let him in.
  • Rasheed makes Laila his second wife in spite of Mariam's complaints. The two women share a tense relationship, but the birth of Laila's daughter Aziza helps build a strong relationship between them.
  • Mariam tries to escape Kabul with Laila and Mariam, but they are caught by the authorities and sent back to Rasheed, who beats Mariam badly.
  • Rasheed's shop burns down, and he tells Mariam to contact Jalil and ask for money. She finds out that Jalil passed away many years ago.
  • After learning about Tariq's visit, Rasheed attempts to choke Laila to death, so Mariam grabs a shovel and hits him on the head. He dies.
  • Laila and the children leave the following day, while Mariam stays to take the punishment for the murder. She's arrested by the Taliban and stoned to death.