Floyd (William Sylvester)’s Timeline and Summary

Floyd (William Sylvester)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Dr. Floyd flies to a space station where he has a layover.
  • There, he calls home to check in and has a quick chat with some Russian colleagues.
  • The Russians wonder what is going on at Clavius base as they have heard rumors of an epidemic, but Floyd says he isn't at liberty to say.
  • Floyd's next flight takes him to the moon.
  • Floyd has a presentation before the Clavius base staff. He thanks them for their sacrifices in maintaining the cover-up story, reassuring them how necessary it is.
  • Floyd flies out to the dig site to see what the Clavius base personnel dug up.
  • There, he finds a monolith identical to the one we saw in the "Dawn of Man" chapter.
  • The crew poses to take a picture right as sunlight caresses the monolith. The artifact emits an ear-splitting radio transmission.