Dave (Keir Dullea)’s Timeline and Summary

Dave (Keir Dullea)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Dave Bowman and Frank Poole are interviewed by the BBC. We learn they're part of the Jupiter Mission and are traveling to, well, Jupiter.
  • We experience day-to-day life aboard Discovery One. It's a bit monotonous for the astronauts.
  • Bowman talks with HAL, the on-board computer, who expresses some of his misgivings about the mission.
  • HAL ends the conversation abruptly, predicting the failure of the antenna's AE-35 unit.
  • Bowman performs a spacewalk and retrieves the unit. Once aboard the ship, he checks out the device but can't find anything wrong with it.
  • A communication from Mission Control confirms the AE-35 should be functioning properly. According to MC, HAL was in error in predicting the failure.
  • Bowman reassures HAL that they aren't worried about the discrepancy and requests that Poole join him in the EVA pod to troubleshoot its transmitter.
  • Once inside the pod and believing HAL can't hear them, Poole and Bowman decide to go with HAL's plan and replace the AE-35 unit. If it fails, HAL's a-okay and that's great. If it doesn't fail, then HAL's malfunctioning and they'll have to disconnect its higher brain functions.
  • Poole goes on the next spacewalk, but HAL controls his EVA pod, severing his oxygen line and booting him into space.
  • Bowman quickly suits up and takes an EVA pod to retrieve Poole.
  • When he returns with Poole's body, HAL refuses to let him onto the ship, saying he read their lips and knew of their plan to deactivate him.
  • Without a space helmet, Bowman bravely blasts his way into the emergency airlock and onto the ship.
  • He heads to HAL's mainframe and deactivates HAL's memory cards while listening to the A.I.'s pleas.
  • As HAL deactivates, he asks Bowman if he wants to hear him sing "Daisy Bell." Bowman asks him to sing it.
  • At the moment of HAL's death, a message from Dr. Floyd begins to play, informing Bowman about the monolith and the expedition's true mission.
  • Bowman reaches Jupiter and takes an EVA pod to retrieve a monolith floating in the giant planet's orbit.
  • The monolith opens a Star Gate and transports Bowman across the universe.
  • At the end of his trip, Bowman reaches what looks like a hotel room. There, he undergoes a transformation, evolving into a new type of being.
  • This being, called the Star Child, travels through space to return to Earth.