Jeffery Goines (Brad Pitt)’s Timeline and Summary

Jeffery Goines (Brad Pitt)’s Timeline and Summary

  • James Cole's first run-in with Jeffery Goines is at the county mental hospital.
  • Goines shows him around, teaches him the ins and outs, and shares with him conspiracies on how society, capitalism, and television have joined forces to enslave humanity. You know, a typical orientation day.
  • Cole inadvertently mentions the virus that wipes out humanity. Goines thinks that's a great idea.
  • A few days later, he gives Cole a key to escape the institution. He also starts a fun-sized riot to serve as a distraction.
  • Goines disappears from the movie for a while. Cole tracks him down after members of the Freedom for Animals Association finger him for the founder of the Army of the 12 Monkeys.
  • Cole crashes Dr. Goines' award dinner to have a chat with the younger Goines.
  • Goines talks up Cole's plan to eradicate humanity with a virus. In a fit of rage, Cole attacks him for information on the virus. The security guards will have none of that and chase Cole out of the mansion.
  • After another bout of absenteeism, Goines reappears at the FAA's headquarters, preparing for his big, master, super-duper-deluxe-ultra plan.
  • He puts said plan into action. He kidnaps his father and breaks into the zoo. There, he and the Army of the 12 Monkeys release all the animals and imprison Dr. Goines in a gorilla cage.
  • That's it. No virus. No wiping out humankind. No bang, no whimper, just an admittedly A-level prank.
  • A newspaper headline at the airport reveals Goines' fate. He's arrested by police.