Syntax Introduction

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Syntax may sound like a diabolical super-villain sent from the future to destroy all mankind, but it actually refers to the rules that we use to create vibrant, concise, easy-to-understand sentences.

Close enough.

We know what you're thinking. "Rules? Ha! I don't follow the rules." We appreciate your renegade spirit, Shmooper. We really do. But understanding syntax is what lets you make meaningful sentences, convey ideas, and achieve your purpose as a writer extraordinaire.

So why not rebel against confusing sentences instead? You'll be armed with the knowledge of modifiers, parallelism, active voice vs. passive voice, wordiness, idioms, and point-of-view… and maybe a really cool outfit.

Quiz Yourself on Syntax


Which of these sentences is in the passive voice?

I. The field mice multiplied rapidly when the farmer left the door to his grain silo open.

II. There were so many that the local supply store ran out of mousetraps.

III. The townspeople decided to fine the farmer and forced all farmers in the area to install automatically shutting doors on their grain silos.

(A) I
(B) I and II
(C) II and III
(D) None

Your class goldfish is missing. Some weirdo stole her and left a ransom note. You're the first one to notice, so you must alert your teacher to the injustice. After you take a few breaths and calm down, what's the best way to break the news?

(A) "Goldilocks is gone forever."
(B) "Another student stole Goldilocks."
(C) "Goldilocks was taken."
(D) "The principal fishnapped Goldilocks.

Which sentence forgot to pack a vital element before it left for the Bahamas?

Sitting in the sand, we ordered strawberry slushies until our tongues were as red as our sunburns.
(B) Riding the catamaran, the couple got seasick and had to spend most of the trip bent over the back of the boat.
(C) Taking in the beautiful view, the tropical sunset was a mix of yellow, purple, hot pink, and lime green.
(D) Learning how to surf for the first time, my uncoordinated father looked more awkward than a baby giraffe.

Identify the sentence that uses active voice.

(A) On the first of the month, the country was invaded and all their chocolate was stolen.
(B) If you were to be loved by someone like me, then you would experience what life as a princess would be like.
(C) I was running away from the wolf when I found a huge castle made of candy in the middle of the forest.
(D) Our baby hamsters are being taken care of by my sister's boyfriend, who is an aspiring veterinarian.

Which of these sentences contains faulty parallelism?

I. The city is currently hiring for many positions, including librarian, city planner, engineer, and graphic design.

II. If you'd like to apply, go to our website, click the "careers" link, and download an application.

III. You'll be required to input your date of birth, social security number, and list the instances in which you have ever been more than two minutes and 35 seconds late for work.

(A) I
(B) II
(C) II and III
(D) I and III

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