Spelling and Mechanics Introduction

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Spelling and mechanics errors: the easiest way to make you a laughingstock (other than slipping on a literal banana peel).

There are fewer things more cringe-worthy than a misspelled tattoo or more hilarious than when people spell "morons" like "morans" or "no offense" like "no a fence." We love to be smug about that kind of stuff.

Spelling and mechanics fails are the stuff of endless Buzzfeed lists and Tumblr blogs. Life is so much more enjoyable when autocorrect becomes auto-incorrect, isn't it?

It's fun to smirk over. It's horrible to do…especially because you just know that your essay on The Dairy of Anne Frank (um, did she really like milk that much?) or your mistake-ridden college admissions essay is not going to be taken seriously.

So let's get serious.

Correct spelling is insanely important in a paragraph or essay. It helps you get your ideas across clearly. Tools like spellcheck are great but not foolproof, so it's important to develop some stellar spelling awareness. When you encounter a new word, take note of how it's spelled and how it's used, and add it to your writing stash.

A mastery of mechanics is also crucial for composing good papers. When we say mechanics, we don't mean the good people that get your car back on the road after you run over a monstrous, sedan-eating pothole. We mean capitalization, abbreviations, and numbers. Knowing these writing standards helps you become a more effective communicator and polishes your writing skills.

It also helps you to not be this guy.

Quiz Yourself on Spelling and Mechanics


Which of these sentences uses than incorrectly?

I. It was hotter than Hades when we went to the state fair.

II. I really didn't want to go than, but my mom wanted to see the junior rodeo.

III. And I have to admit: those 6-year-old goat ropers were cuter than a basket full of kittens.

(A) I
(B) II
(C) I and II
(D) II and III

Can you spot the style faux pas in the following sentence?

Five thousand three hundred fifty-six contestants entered the marathon on Saturday, but due to extreme temperatures and a water main break on part of the route, only 104 completed it.

(A) Five thousand three hundred fifty-six
(B) due to
(C) part of
(D) 104

Which of the following choices contains a spelling mistake?

1. Norway is home to several customs that seem strange to visitors. For example, most meals—including sandwiches—are eaten with a knife and fork.

2. February 5th is Pretzel Appreciation Day. As part of the celebration, the locals dress in colorful, salted costumes.

3. It's a Winger family tradition to hit the shopping mall on Black Friday. They get there at 3:00 a.m. so they can beat the other costumers to the best deals.

(A) I
(B) II
(D) Nice try, Shmoop. No spelling mistakes here!

Which sentence should you cut out of the latest article you wrote for the school newspaper?

(A) The fashion trends going around are "very concerning," according to Mr. Peterson.
(B) Most skirts that girls wear are very short—nowhere near two inches above the knee.
(C) Boys wear some very unique muscle shirts with the sides ripped down to their hips.
(D) Principal Smith is considering a very harsh set of rules to discourage student trendsetters.

Fill in the blank so the sentence is MOST correct:

When Alfie met hot4u47 from OkCupid, she looked different _________ what he had expected.

(A) than
(B) from
(C) to
(D) Both A and B

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