Why Should I Care About This Driver Record Baloney?

Why Should I Care About This Driver Record Baloney?

First of all, it’s spelled B-O-L-O-G-N-A. Second, if you have racked up too many tickets, your license will either be suspended or revoked by the DMV. You can apply for a new license at the end of this period, and hopefully you’ve changed your ways by then. Oh, sure, it starts with a few minor traffic violations here and there, but before you know it you’ll be committing grand larceny, bank fraud, and/or treason. We just don’t want to start seeing your name in the paper. Unless it’s for inventing some useful electronic gadget, or winning a peace prize. That would be pretty cool.

Washington does not use the point system that many other states use, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t keep track of how you’re driving and punish you accordingly. If you accumulate four moving violations within a 12-month period or five moving violations within a 24-month period, your license will be suspended for 30 days. If you can put up 30 points in 42 minutes, you’ll probably make tonight’s highlight reel on ESPN.

If you’re under 18, the penalties will usually be worse; it could even mean that you don’t get your full, unrestricted license until later than you were hoping, which could really ruin your plans for prom weekend.