Why Should I Care About This Driver Record Baloney?

Why Should I Care About This Driver Record Baloney?

First of all, it’s spelled B-O-L-O-G-N-A. Second, if you have racked up too many traffic violations, your license will either be suspended or revoked by the DMV. You can apply for a new license at the end of this period, and hopefully you’ve changed your ways by then. Oh, sure, it starts with a few minor traffic violations here and there, but before you know it you’ll be committing grand larceny, bank fraud, and/or treason. We just don’t want to start seeing your name in the paper. Unless it’s for inventing some useful electronic gadget, or winning a peace prize. That would be pretty cool.

Unlike some other states, Rhode Island does not have a points system in place to keep track of how terrible of a driver you are. Instead, they simply fine you more than other states would for the silly things you are caught doing in your vehicle. If you aren’t a fan of paying ridiculous fines or losing your license for dumb reasons, stick to the rules.