Changing Lanes

Changing Lanes

When you need to move to a different lane, enter a freeway, or merge into traffic from the side of the road, you will need to obey the following rules:

  1. Check the traffic behind you, as well as to the side. Changing lanes is really a “he was there first” sort of a deal. If a vehicle is already occupying your intended spot, wait for a better opportunity. That guy obviously just wanted it more.
  2. Don’t rely on your mirrors; physically look briefly over your shoulder to make sure the lane is clear before changing lanes. While mirrors are indeed handy tools, objects in your actual line of vision are never closer than they appear. Chalk one up for your eyeballs.
  3. Check your blind spot. Unless your vehicle is made entirely of glass (it isn’t), you’ve got one. Assure yourself that no one is hiding sneakily behind it before making your move.
  4. Give yourself plenty of room. You don’t get extra points for close calls. Wait for a safe spot, and then change lanes. If a safe opportunity never presents itself, then write us from Detroit.